
Quora上的一篇讨论,由Marius Ursache带来了他精彩的22条时间管理准则,相当实用,得好好学习,然后用到自己的工作、生活中来,英文版如下:

I’ve been testing and adjusting various productivity techniques for the past five years, read lots of books (most of them repeating) and here’s some of my findings:

It’s not about time. It’s about energy.

We try to squeeze as many hours in one work day, to be “productive”, but in the end everything depends less on time, and more on your focus, motivation and overall well-being (all of them linked directly with energy levels).

I’ve recently talked about my productivity techniques obsessions in an internal presentation at Grapefruit, and the resulting presentation is on Slideshare:
Productivity porn

Some of the key findings:

  1. Decide what’s important because in 5 years, 80% of what you do today will not turn into anything. It’s just busywork, no useful outcome.
  2. Sleep, food and exercise can help you triple your outcome, because they increase focus, motivation and energy levels.
  3. The 2-minute rule: if you can do something (like replying to an email, or a house chore) in 2 minutes, do it now. Planning it for later, remembering it, doing it in the future will take 5 minutes or more.
  4. The 5-minute rule: the biggest cure against procrastination is to set your goal not to finish a scary big hairy task, but to just work 5 minutes on it. You’ll find out that most times it continues well beyond the 5 minutes, as you enter a flow state.
  5. Seinfeld’s productivity chain: if you want to be good at something, do it every day. Including on Christmas, Easter and Judgement Day. No exceptions.
  6. Tiny habits (Tiny Habits w/ Dr. BJ Fogg), highly linked with the 5-minute rule, helps you create good habits quickly. It works, I tested it.
  7. Your memory sucks. Get everything out of your head, even if you’re a genius. Write it down in a notebook, put it in your todo-list app, on your phone, talk to Siri, I don’t care.
  8. As few tools as possible. I’ve tested most of the todo managers and finally stayed with Cultured Code‘s Things app and Google Calendar (iCal is ok, but Google Calendar integrates well with Gmail, my default client). It doesn’t matter what you use (pen & paper are fine) if you understand the next rule.
  9. Routine beats tools. You need discipline, and this means for me two things: I plan my day first thing in the morning, and I write a short daily log every day. This helps me stay sane, prioritize well, scrap useless tasks, and do what matters. This saves me hours.
  10. Pomodoros. That’s timeboxing—for 30 minutes do only the task at hand. Nothing else: no phones, email, talking to people, Facebook, running out of the building in case of fire. Nothing else.
  11. Always wear your headphones. You don’t have to listen to music, but it will discourage people to approach you.
  12. Email scheduling and inbox zero. Don’t read your email first thing in the day, don’t read it in the evening (it ruined many evenings for me), and try to do it only 3 times a day: at 11am, 2pm and 5pm. And your email inbox is not a todo list. Clear it: every message should be an actionable task (link it from the todo app), a reference document (send to Evernote or archive), or should be deleted now.
  13. Same thing for phone calls. Don’t be always available. I always keep my phone on silent, and return calls in batches.
  14. Batch small tasks. Like mail, phones, Facebook etc.
  15. MI3. Most important three tasks (or the alternative 1 must – 3 should – 5 could). Start with the most important first thing in the morning.
  16. Willpower is limited. Don’t think that willpower will help you when you get in trouble. Make important decisions in the morning and automate everything possible (delegate, batch etc.). US presidents don’t have to choose their menu or suit color everyday—otherwise their willpower will be depleted at that late hour when they should push (or not push) the red button).
  17. The most powerful thing. Always ask yourself what is the most powerful thing you can do right now. Then apply rule #4.
  18. Ship often. Don’t polish it too much—as they say in the startup world, “if you’re not ashamed of your product, you’ve launched too late’!
  19. Pressure can do wonders. Use rewards or social commitment. We’ve recently done this with the new Grapefruit website. The previous one took 2.5 years to launch. The new one took 2.5 days and we did it over one hackathon weekend (+Monday).
  20. Scheduled procrastination. Your brain needs some rest, and sometimes that new episode from Arrow can do wonders that the smartest TED talk won’t.
  21. Delete. Say No. Ignore. Don’t commit to schedules. I love the last one, it’s from Marc Andreessen, because it allows him to meet whomever he wants on the spot. A lot of people will hate you for this, but you’ll have time to do relevant stuff. Do you think you’ll regret that in 20 years, or doing something for someone you don’t really care about, just to be superficially appreciated.
  22. Fake incompetence. It’s a diplomatic way to apply the previous rule.

That’s it for now. My procrastination break is over, I’m going back to work.




It’s not about time. It’s about energy.


最近我在 Grapefruit 的内部交流会上谈论过我对生产力技术困扰的看法,相关的课件已经保存在 Slideshare 上 Productivity Porn


  1. 判断哪些是重要的。在五年后,你今天所做的工作有80%都毫无意义,那都是些忙碌的案头工作,都是无用功。
  2. 保证睡眠、饮食和锻炼 。良好的作息帮你事半功倍,这些好习惯会增加你的专注力、驱动力和精力水平。
  3. 两分钟原则:如果一件事情能在2分钟内做好(比如回复一封邮件,或一件家务事儿),马上就完成它。如果把它放在计划里,记住它,在将来完成它,将花费5分钟以上的时间。
  4. 五分钟原则:治疗拖延症的最佳良方不是把一股脑完成一堆纷扰复杂的任务作为目标,而是先投入五分钟时间。在大多数情况下,你会发现事情在五分钟之后也还顺利,因为你进入了状态。
  5. Seinfeld’s productivity chain:如果你想做好某件事,每天都做,包括圣诞节、复活节等等假日,绝无例外。
  6. Tiny habitsTiny Habits w/Dr. BJ Fogg),和五分钟原则紧密相关,能帮助你快速养成良好习惯。真的有效,我试过了。
  7. 记性就是个坑。把所有的东西都从脑子里搬出来,即使你是个天才。把它们记在本子上、放在 todo 软件里、手机里、Siri里,随便哪里。
  8. 工具越少越好。我试过大多数 todo 管理软件,最终一直在用 Things 和谷歌日历(iCal也可以,但是谷歌日历和 Gmail集成度很好,这是我的默认客户端)。只要能理解下一条建议,用什么工具是没有关系的(纸和笔就足以)。(译注:Things 是一款很棒的时间管理工具,类似的工具还有大名鼎鼎的OmniFocus、Wunderlist等;我在用OmniFocus,真的很棒。)
  9. “惯性胜过工具”。你需要有纪律性,对我来说这意味两件事:每天早上第一件事是计划今天的工作,并每天进行一次简短的总结。这帮助我保持清醒,合理安排优先级,丢弃无用的任务,做那些真正重要的事。这能节约大量时间。
  10. 番茄工作法(Pomodoros)。在限定的30分钟里,你专注于手头上的工作,不受任何事情的干扰:不接电话、邮件、不交谈、不上Facebook,火灾时逃出大楼。不做任何别的事。
  11. 始终带着耳机。不必听音乐,但是耳机会让别人想来找你的时候打退堂鼓。
  12. 邮件处理和零未读邮件。别在每天的一开始看你的邮件,别在晚上看(这可能毁了你的整个晚上),试着每天只看三次:上午11点,下午2点和下午5点。你的邮箱不是 Todo 列表。清理收件箱:每封消息都应该是一个可以执行的任务(关联到 todo 软件),或者一个参考文档(归档或存到Evernote),或者直接删除。
  13. 同样处理你的电话。不要随时随地接电话。我总是把电话静音,然后找个时间一起回电话。
  14. 小事情集中处理。比如邮件、电话、facebook等。
  15. MI3:最重要的3件事(或 1 务必,3 应当,5可能)每天早上从最重要的事情着手。
  16. 意志力是有限的 别指望意志力在你有麻烦的时候能帮到你。在早上做出最重要的判断,尽可能安排每件事(指派、分批等)。美国总统们不用每天选择吃什么或者穿什么西装——否则当晚点要他们按下(或者取消)那个红色按钮的时候,可能意志力都耗尽了。(译注:The Red Button——记得Mission Impossible里那个装着红色按钮的箱子吗?Booooom!核弹按钮)
  17. 最有影响的工作。总是问自己当前最有影响的事情是什么。然后应用第四条建议。
  18. 不断尝试 Ship often。别等把每件事情都梳理得很好才动手——在创业的时候人们常说,“如果你不觉得产品很丢脸,那么你发布得太晚了”!
  19. 压力能产生奇迹。利用奖励或群体投入(social commitment)。发布Grapefruit网站的旧版用了两年半,新版只用了两天班。我们一个周末和周一的编程马拉松就做到了!
  20. 刻意延后。我们的大脑需要休息。有时候看一集最新的美剧比欣赏最牛逼的 TED 演讲更能产生奇迹。
  21. 删除。拒绝。无视。不要遵守日程表。我很欣赏最后这点,此观点来自 Marc Andressen,因为这样做能让他当场会见任何他想见到的人。很多人会因此对你有怨言,但你将有时间来完成相关事宜。设想你是想20年后后悔,还是为了某个你其实不关心的人做事情,仅仅为了表面上的赞赏?
  22. 假装不能胜任。这是执行上一条的必要外交手腕。



我最近也在学习GTD和时间管理,Marius Ursache 关于时间管理的这22条准则,可以说涵盖了所有市面上的时间管理教材的精华和他自己的实践经验,绝对干货。

  • 先做最难最有价值的工作(吃掉那只最大最丑的青蛙);
  • 最高精力的时候完成最有价值的工作;在低精力的时候,做一些琐事和低价值工作;
  • 番茄工作法,将所有任务分割成25分钟/5分钟;

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《 “[collect]一些日常节省时间的诀窍[bak]” 》 有 3 条评论

  1. 总抱怨没时间的人,缺的究竟是什么?





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