#!/bin/bash read -p "Please enter your name:" -t 10 name if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "n!!!!!!Enter is timeout!!!!!!" exit 1 fi touch temp result cat /dev/null > result #存放最后的结果,格式为:$name is $number cat /dev/null > temp #存放临时的结果,每行内容均为:$number while true do #if [ $(grep ^$name result | wc -l) -ge 1 ] #这里的grep判断有误,比如:输入了haha之后就无法输入用户名h if [ $(grep ^b$nameb result | wc -l) -ge 1 ] #添加b锚定单词 then echo "The name already exists." fi if [ "$name" == "exit" ] then rm temp -f echo "******************************" echo "The result of the top three:" sort -k3rn result | head -3 # sort的各种选项需要好好学习 echo "******************************" exit 1 fi if [ -z $name ] # 这个判断流程的选择可以好好思考思考! then echo "Your name is null." read -p "Please enter your name:" fi number=$(($RANDOM%99+1)) #需要注意空格的使用 if [ $(grep "^$number$" temp | wc -l) -eq 0 ] && [ $(grep ^$name result|wc -l) -eq 0 ];then echo "$name is $number" >> result echo "$name is $number" echo $number >> temp if [ $(cat temp|wc -l) -ge 99 ];then #考虑的真是够细致的! echo -e "The number out of range.n exit!!!" rm temp -f echo "******************************" echo "The result of the top three:" sort -k3rn result|head -3 echo "******************************" exit 1 fi fi echo "Enter 'exit' end the process!" read -p "Please enter your name:" -t 10 name if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "n!!!!!!Enter is timeout!!!!!!!" echo "******************************" echo "The result of the top three:" sort -k3rn result|head -3 echo "******************************" exit 1 fi sleep 0.1 done
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 import random running = True while running: name = raw_input('name:') if not name: break print name a = range(1,99) slice = random.sample(a, 1) #Python的random.sample()从指定序列中随机获取指定长度{第二个参数}的片段 for i in slice: #这里没有进行重复与否的判断 num = str(i) print num f = open('/tmp/user', 'a') f.write(name + ":::" + num + "n") f.close
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 import random import ConfigParser scores = {} def saveScore(): config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() #config.read('score.cfg') config.add_section('score') for k, v in scores.items(): config.set('score', k, v) #使用set设置k,v值 with open('score.cfg', 'wb') as configfile: config.write(configfile) config = None username = raw_input('请输入姓名:') while username: if username and not scores.has_key(username): score = random.randint(1, 99) scores[username] = score print('名字:%s, 得分:%s' % (username, score)) saveScore() else: print('请输入正确的名字, 或者名字已经存在 n') username = raw_input('请输入姓名:')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import random, pickle, os, sys def load(): f = open('list.txt', 'r') global list list = pickle.load(f) return list f.close() def save(): f = open('list.txt', 'w') pickle.dump(list, f) f.close() def leave(x): print "" print "%sThe TOP Three is:" % x print 'ID NAME' print '-----------------------' for i in list2[-4:-1]: #取列表中最后的3个元素{前面使用了sort函数对列表进行了排序} print '%s %s'%(i, list1[i]) print '-----------------------' if not os.path.exists('list.txt'): f = open('list.txt', 'w') aa = {'id':'name'} pickle.dump(aa, f) f.close() try: while True: digint = random.randrange(01, 100) list1 = load() list2 = list1.keys() list2.sort() inpu = raw_input("Please input you English name:").strip() if (list2.index(list2[-1]) == 100) or (inpu == 'exit'): leave("Now come to the end, ") sys.exit() if len(inpu) == 0: print "don't empty, please input again" continue list1 = load() if inpu in list1.values(): print "system have it's name, please change" continue else: while digint in list1: digint = random.randrange(01, 100) continue else: list1[digint] = inpu print "%s's id is %s"%(inpu, digint) save() except KeyboardInterrupt: list1 = load() list2 = list1.keys() list2.sort() leave("")
#!/bin/bash [ ! -f file ] && touch file while true; do read -p '输入:' you if [ "$you" == 'exit' ];then break fi if [ -n "$you" ] && ! egrep "^$you.*" file;then while true; do rannum=$(expr $RANDOM % 99 + 1) if ! egrep "$you number is $rannum" file ;then echo "$you number is $rannum" | tee -a file break fi done fi done
#!/bin/bash #整个流程就是: #判断输入内容,分为:Null|quit|sort|clear|参与者名字 #当输入正常时,再判断文件大小是否为0,若为0则直接输入;否则根据已有内容判断用户名是否已存在 echo " ##################################################################" echo " # Interesting companies shell practical programming problem #" echo " ##################################################################" echo " # You Can Use : 'quit' to exit shell scripts #" echo " ##################################################################" echo " # 'sort' to sort the order in result file #" echo " ##################################################################" txt=temp.txt touch "$txt" while(true);do read -p " #Please input your name : " name if [ "$name" == "" ];then echo " #WARNING: Username should not be empty! " elif [ "$name" == "quit" ];then exit 0 elif [ "$name" == "sort" ];then cat temp.txt | sort -n #这个貌似没有起到排序的作用? elif [ "$name" == "cl" ] || [ "$name" == "clear" ] ;then clear else if [ -s "$txt" ];then #文件大小非0时为真 a=`grep -w "$name" "$txt" | wc -l` if [ "$a" -gt 0 ];then #当已存在时,则会给出提示-显示已有内容并退出当前循环 echo " #WARNING: name as $name is existing" echo -n " ";grep -w "$name" "$txt" continue else declare -i num=$RANDOM%99+1 #-i选项会把"num"当作整数看待 b=`grep -w "$num" "$txt" |wc -l` if [ "$b" -gt 0 ];then continue else echo -e "$numt$name">>$txt #存入文件的格式 echo -n " ";grep -w "$name" "$txt" fi fi else #当文件大小为0时,表示是第1次进行,直接写入结果即可 declare -i num=$RANDOM%99+1 echo -e "$numt$name" >>$txt echo -n " ";grep -w "$name" "$txt" fi fi done
《“抓阄的游戏脚本”》 有 1 条评论
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