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>>> collection = ['django_migrations.py',




>>> import re
>>> def fuzzyfinder(user_input, collection):
        suggestions = []
        pattern = '.*'.join(user_input) # Converts 'djm' to 'd.*j.*m'
        regex = re.compile(pattern)     # Compiles a regex.
        for item in collection:
            match = regex.search(item)  # Checks if the current item matches the regex.
            if match:
        return suggestions

>>> print fuzzyfinder('djm', collection)
['django_migrations.py', 'django_admin_log.py']

>>> print fuzzyfinder('mig', collection)
['django_migrations.py', 'django_admin_log.py', 'main_generator.py', 'migrations.py']





'main_generator.py'     - 0
'migrations.py'         - 0
'django_migrations.py'  - 7
'django_admin_log.py'   - 9


>>> import re
>>> def fuzzyfinder(user_input, collection):
        suggestions = []
        pattern = '.*'.join(user_input) # Converts 'djm' to 'd.*j.*m'
        regex = re.compile(pattern)     # Compiles a regex.
        for item in collection:
            match = regex.search(item)  # Checks if the current item matches the regex.
            if match:
                suggestions.append((match.start(), item))
        return [x for _, x in sorted(suggestions)]

>>> print fuzzyfinder('mig', collection)
['main_generator.py', 'migrations.py', 'django_migrations.py', 'django_admin_log.py']






regex = '(m.*i.*g)'

'main_generator.py'    ->  'main_g'
'migrations.py'        ->  'mig'
'django_migrations.py' ->  'mig'
'django_admin_log.py'  ->  'min_log'


>>> import re
>>> def fuzzyfinder(user_input, collection):
        suggestions = []
        pattern = '.*'.join(user_input) # Converts 'djm' to 'd.*j.*m'
        regex = re.compile(pattern)     # Compiles a regex.
        for item in collection:
            match = regex.search(item)  # Checks if the current item matches the regex.
            if match:
                suggestions.append((len(match.group()), match.start(), item))
        return [x for _, _, x in sorted(suggestions)]

>>> print fuzzyfinder('mig', collection)
['migrations.py', 'django_migrations.py', 'main_generator.py', 'django_admin_log.py']



Daniel Rocco 发现了这一微妙的问题:当集合中有[‘api_user‘, ‘user_group’]这两个元素存在,用户输入’user’时,预期的匹配结果(相对顺序)应该为[‘user_group’, ‘api_user’],但实际上的结果为:

>>> print fuzzyfinder('user', collection)
['api_user.doc', 'user_group.doc']


>>> import re
>>> def fuzzyfinder(user_input, collection):
        suggestions = []
        pattern = '.*?'.join(user_input)    # Converts 'djm' to 'd.*?j.*?m'
        regex = re.compile(pattern)         # Compiles a regex.
        for item in collection:
            match = regex.search(item)      # Checks if the current item matches the regex.
            if match:
                suggestions.append((len(match.group()), match.start(), item))
        return [x for _, _, x in sorted(suggestions)]

>>> fuzzyfinder('user', collection)
['user_group.doc', 'api_user.doc']

>>> print fuzzyfinder('mig', collection)
['migrations.py', 'django_migrations.py', 'main_generator.py', 'django_admin_log.py']

现在,fuzzyfinder已经可以(在上面的情况中)正常工作了,而我们不过只写了10行代码就实现了一个 fuzzy finder。


以上就是我在我的 pgcli 项目(一个有自动补全功能的Postgresql命令行实现)中设计实现’fuzzy matching’的过程记录。

我已经将 fuzzyfinder 提取成一个独立的Python包,你可以使用命令’pip install fuzzyfinder’在你的项目中进行安装和使用。

感谢 Micah ZoltuDaniel Rocco 对算法的检查和问题修复。

如果你对这个感兴趣的话,你可以来 twitter 上找我。


当我第一次考虑用Python实现’fuzzy matching’的时候,我就知道一个叫做 fuzzywuzzy 的优秀库,但是 fuzzywuzzy 的做法和这里的不太一样,它使用的是 ‘levenshtein distance‘ 来从集合中找到最匹配的字符串。’levenshtein distance’是一个非常适合用来做自动更正拼写错误的技术,但在从部分子串匹配长文件名时表现的不太好(所以这里没有使用)。




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    8 Add Watermark on Images
    9 WishList App Using Django
    10 Split Folders into Subfolders
    11 Download bulk images
    12 Random word from file
    13 Battery notification
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    15 Text file analysis
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    19 Get Ipaddress and Hostname of Website
    20 Progressbar using tqdm
    21 Get meta information of images
    22 Captures Frames from video
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    25 Split files using no of lines
    26 Encrypt and decrypt text
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    32 Currency Convertor cli app
    33 Stopwatch Application
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    35 XML to JSON file Convertor
    36 Compress file and folders
    37 Find IMDB movie ratings
    38 Convert dictionary to python object
    39 Move files to alphabetically arranged folders
    40 Scrape Youtube video comment
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    43 Image format conversion
    44 Save random article from wikipedia
    45 Check website connectivity
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    73 Random Password Generator
    74 Script to perform Geocoding
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    78 Tic Tac Toe
    79 Tic Tac Toe with AI
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