package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func main() { start_time := time.Now() y, m, d := start_time.Date() today := start_time.Format("2006-01-02") datetime := start_time.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") // 后面的参数是固定的,否则将无法正常输出 fmt.Printf("time is: %v, (%T)\n", start_time, start_time) // time is: 2018-10-21 17:24:29.307336 +0800 CST, (time.Time) fmt.Printf("y, m, d: %v, %v, %v\n", y, m, d) // y, m, d: 2018, October, 21 fmt.Printf("y[%T], m[%T], d[%T]\n", y, m, d) // y[int], m[time.Month], d[int] fmt.Printf("today is: %q, (%T)\n", today, today) // today is: "2018-10-21", (string) fmt.Printf("datetime is: %q, (%T)\n", datetime, datetime) // datetime is: "2018-10-21 17:24:29", (string) }
Go 语言中如何解析日期/时间字符串?(使用time.Parse()方法)
datetime_str := "2018-10-21 12:24:51" dt, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", datetime_str) fmt.Printf("value: %s, type: %T\n", dt, dt) // value: 2018-10-21 12:24:51 +0000 UTC, type: time.Time fmt.Printf("date: %s, datetime: %s\n", dt.Format("2006-01-02"), dt.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) // date: 2018-10-21, datetime: 2018-10-21 12:24:51
package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func main() { start_time := time.Now() duration, _ := time.ParseDuration("1h") fmt.Printf("duration is: %q, (%T)\n", duration, duration) // duration is: "1h0m0s", (time.Duration) next_hour := start_time.Add(duration) fmt.Printf("1h later is: %q, (%T)\n", next_hour.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), next_hour) last_hour := start_time.Add(-duration) // 这里用了一个「负号」 fmt.Printf("1h before is: %q, (%T)\n", last_hour.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), last_hour) yesterday := start_time.AddDate(0, 0, -1) // yesterday is: 2018-10-20, (time.Time) fmt.Printf("yesterday is: %s, (%T)\n", yesterday.Format("2006-01-02"), yesterday) tomorrow := start_time.AddDate(0, 0, 1) // tomorrow is: 2018-10-22, (time.Time) fmt.Printf("tomorrow is: %s, (%T)\n", tomorrow.Format("2006-01-02"), tomorrow) }
// 暂停2秒 time.Sleep(time.Duration(2) * time.Second) // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17573190/how-to-multiply-duration-by-integer
package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func main() { start_time := time.Now() // 将操作放在这里,运行结束时会打印出耗时(以「秒」为单位) // Seconds() 返回的是 float64 类型的变量 fmt.Printf("Spend %v seconds.\n", time.Since(start_time).Seconds()) // Spend 0.000141 seconds. }
func ParseDuration(s string) (Duration, error) ` ParseDuration parses a duration string. A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h". ParseDuration 用于解析一个表示持续时间的字符串。持续时间字符串可能是一个有符号的十进制数字序列,每个数字都有可选的分数和单位后缀,例如“300ms”、“-1.5h”或“2h45m”。有效的时间单位是“ns”,“us”(或“µs”),“ms”,“s”,“m”,“h”。 `
func ParseInLocation(layout, value string, loc *Location) (Time, error) ` ParseInLocation is like Parse but differs in two important ways. First, in the absence of time zone information, Parse interprets a time as UTC; ParseInLocation interprets the time as in the given location. Second, when given a zone offset or abbreviation, Parse tries to match it against the Local location; ParseInLocation uses the given location. ParseInLocation 与 Parse 类似,但有两种重要的区别。首先,在没有时区信息的情况下,Parse将时间解释为UTC,而ParseInLocation用给定位置来进行解释。其次,当给定一个区域偏移量或缩写时,Parse试图将它与本地位置进行匹配;而ParseInLocation使用给定的位置。 `
- golang包time用法详解#nice
- golang时间格式化
- golang的time.Format的坑
- Golang的时间生成,格式化,以及获取函数执行时间的方法
- Go时间戳和日期字符串的相互转换
- http://localhost:8080/pkg/time/#pkg-examples
- golang 记录函数执行耗时的一个简单方法。#nice
《“Go语言学习#5-time包的学习”》 有 1 条评论
使用 Golang Timer 的正确方式
一、标准 Timer 的问题
二、使用 Timer 的正确方式
论golang Timer Reset方法使用的正确姿势