





security 命令是macOS系统中钥匙链和安全框架的命令行管理工具,(图形化工具为钥匙串访问(Keychain。钥匙串(Keychain)实质上就是一个用于存放证书、密钥、密码等安全认证实体的仓库,在计算机中保存为一个.keychain的文件,默认存放在以下目录中:

  • ~/Library/Keychains/
  • /Library/Keychains/
# 常用 security 子命令及其功能说明

security list-keychains     #显示或设置钥匙串搜索列表
security default-keychain   #显示或设置默认的钥匙串 
security login-keychain     #显示或设置登录钥匙串

security dump-keychain      #显示一个或多个钥匙串的内容

security set-keychain-settings    #设置钥匙串配置
security set-keychain-password    #设置钥匙串密码

security find-identity #查找认证实体(证书+私钥)
security find-identity -v #查找认证实体(证书+私钥),只显示有效的身份

security dump-trust-settings #显示信任设置的内容

security find-generic-password      #Find a generic password item.
security find-internet-password     #Find an internet password item.
security find-key                   #Find keys in the keychain
security find-certificate           #Find a certificate item.
security find-identity              #Find an identity (certificate + private key).

     security – Command line interface to keychains and Security framework

     security [-hilqv] [-p prompt] [command] [command_options] [command_args]

     A simple command line interface which lets you administer keychains, manipulate keys and certificates, and do just about anything the Security framework is capable of from the command line.

     By default security will execute the command supplied and report if anything went wrong.

     If the -i or -p options are provided, security will enter interactive mode and allow the user to enter multiple commands on stdin.  When EOF is read from stdin security will exit.


$ security -h
    help                                 Show all commands, or show usage for a command.
    list-keychains                       Display or manipulate the keychain search list.
    list-smartcards                      Display available smartcards.
    default-keychain                     Display or set the default keychain.
    login-keychain                       Display or set the login keychain.
    create-keychain                      Create keychains and add them to the search list.
    delete-keychain                      Delete keychains and remove them from the search list.
    lock-keychain                        Lock the specified keychain.
    unlock-keychain                      Unlock the specified keychain.
    set-keychain-settings                Set settings for a keychain.
    set-keychain-password                Set password for a keychain.
    show-keychain-info                   Show the settings for keychain.
    dump-keychain                        Dump the contents of one or more keychains.
    create-keypair                       Create an asymmetric key pair.
    add-generic-password                 Add a generic password item.
    add-internet-password                Add an internet password item.
    add-certificates                     Add certificates to a keychain.
    find-generic-password                Find a generic password item.
    delete-generic-password              Delete a generic password item.
    set-generic-password-partition-list  Set the partition list of a generic password item.
    find-internet-password               Find an internet password item.
    delete-internet-password             Delete an internet password item.
    set-internet-password-partition-list Set the partition list of a internet password item.
    find-key                             Find keys in the keychain
    set-key-partition-list               Set the partition list of a key.
    find-certificate                     Find a certificate item.
    find-identity                        Find an identity (certificate + private key).
    delete-certificate                   Delete a certificate from a keychain.
    delete-identity                      Delete an identity (certificate + private key) from a keychain.
    set-identity-preference              Set the preferred identity to use for a service.
    get-identity-preference              Get the preferred identity to use for a service.
    create-db                            Create a db using the DL.
    export                               Export items from a keychain.
    import                               Import items into a keychain.
    export-smartcard                     Export items from a smartcard.
    cms                                  Encode or decode CMS messages.
    install-mds                          Install (or re-install) the MDS database.
    add-trusted-cert                     Add trusted certificate(s).
    remove-trusted-cert                  Remove trusted certificate(s).
    dump-trust-settings                  Display contents of trust settings.
    user-trust-settings-enable           Display or manipulate user-level trust settings.
    trust-settings-export                Export trust settings.
    trust-settings-import                Import trust settings.
    verify-cert                          Verify certificate(s).
    authorize                            Perform authorization operations.
    authorizationdb                      Make changes to the authorization policy database.
    execute-with-privileges              Execute tool with privileges.
    leaks                                Run /usr/bin/leaks on this process.
    error                                Display a descriptive message for the given error code(s).
    create-filevaultmaster-keychain      Create a keychain containing a key pair for FileVault recovery use.
    smartcards                           Enable, disable or list disabled smartcard tokens.
    translocate-create                   Create a translocation point for the provided path
    translocate-policy-check             Check whether a path would be translocated.
    translocate-status-check             Check whether a path is translocated.
    translocate-original-path            Find the original path for a translocated path.
    requirement-evaluate                 Evaluate a requirement against a cert chain.
$ security dump-trust-settings

Where are digital certificates physically stored on a Mac OS X machine? #nice

Keychain Access From Shell #nice

Keychain services

How to view certificate info without installing

How can I parse the certificate information output from the security command in Mac?



Mac Security工具使用总结

Enumerate all certificates in Mac Keychain and compare creation/expiry dates

Enumerate certificates in Mac Keychain and check their expiry dates

security(1) [osx man page]

openssl-x509, x509 – Certificate display and signing utility

How do I view the details of a digital certificate .cer file?

How to view an application certificate on Mac OS.?

How to dump the content of keychain from the shell?

How do I script codesign to trust an imported keychain from the Mac command line

Accessing keychain from Terminal?

Get Keychain Passwords from Command Line


《 “macOS系统中的security命令” 》 有 4 条评论

  1. MACOS系统中最容易被窃取的7种数据




    # 防护建议



  2. macOS 上敏感文件的位置和有趣的守护进程
    macOS Sensitive Locations & Interesting Daemons
    * Shadow Passwords
    * Keychain Dump
    * Keychaindump
    * Keychaindump Overview
    * chainbreaker
    * kcpassword

    Interesting Information in Databases
    * Messages
    * Notifications
    * Notes


    System Notifications
    * Darwin Notifications
    * Distributed Notification Center
    * Apple Push Notifications (APN)

    User Notifications

  3. Mac OS X 机器上的数字证书物理存储在哪里?
    Can someone tell me and maybe link to literature which describes it, where are the digital certificates storage location on Mac OS X? I know I could access the certificates with the “Keychain” application. But where are the certificates stored on the disk? Under Linux they are for example under /etc/ssl/certs but under Mac OS X they are no certificates in this folder.
    谁能告诉我 Mac OS X 上数字证书的存储位置在哪里?我知道我可以用 “钥匙串 “应用程序访问证书。但磁盘上的证书存储在哪里呢?例如,在 Linux 下,证书存放在 /etc/ssl/certs 文件夹中,但在 Mac OS X 下,这个文件夹中没有证书。

    I read something about that the certificates are stored in a “Keychain File?” Is this right? If yes, could someone explain me the technical details on it.
    我读到过一些关于证书存储在 “钥匙串文件 “中的信息?是这样吗?如果是,谁能解释一下技术细节。

    If someone has detailed literature of this stuff, would be helpfull to link them here. thanks!

    Apple’s Mac OS X includes a built-in key and password manager, Keychain, which stores user passwords, user and server certificates, and keys.
    苹果的 Mac OS X 包含一个内置的密钥和密码管理器–Keychain,用于存储用户密码、用户和服务器证书以及密钥。

    # 钥匙串数据存储在哪里? Where is the Keychain data stored?

    The keychain data is stored in ~/Library/Keychains/, /Library/Keychains/, and /Network/Library/Keychains/.

    The first location is where my personal keychain is stored. To access their data, I need the Keychain Utility located in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder.

    I like using spotlight to access the Keychain Utility as it only takes a few keys to get there – click on the spotlight icon in the top right corner and type “keychain”. Spotlight is quick and will predict what you are looking for and get it on top of the search quickly, so you don’t even need to type the whole word. Once you open it, you have access to your Keychain.
    我喜欢用 Spotlight 来访问钥匙串实用工具,因为只需几个键就能到达–点击右上角的 Spotlight 图标,然后输入 “keychain”(钥匙串)。Spotlight 的搜索速度很快,它能预测你要找的内容,并迅速将其显示在搜索结果的顶部,所以你甚至不需要键入整个单词。打开后,你就可以访问你的钥匙串了。

    # 了解本地钥匙串文件 Understanding Local Keychain Files

    I will briefly explain the purpose of the most important files in these directories.

    ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db – This keychain is created when your user account in Mac OS X is created and normally has its password synchronised with your login password. It is unlocked at login and locked a logout. This is where most of your passwords will end up in. Its password is changed when you change your login password or using the Keychain Access utility.
    ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db – 该钥匙串是在创建 Mac OS X 用户账户时创建的,其密码通常与登录密码同步。登录时解锁,注销时锁定。你的大部分密码都会存放在这里。当你更改登录密码或使用钥匙串访问实用程序时,就可以更改它的密码。

    ~/Library/Keychains/${HARDWARE_UUID}/ – UUID stands for Universally Unique Identifier and this value is unique to your device. In the Keychain Access app, it appears as “Local Items” and is where your iCloud keychain is stored, when the service is enabled. The iCloud keychain service allows passwords and other types of data from it to be synchronised with your other Apple devices like you iPad, iPhone or another Mac. The only requirements are that all these devices are using the same Apple ID account, and the OS supports the iCloud keychain service (Mac OS X 10.9 and above, iOS 7.0.3 and above).
    ~/Library/Keychains/${HARDWARE_UUID}/ – UUID 代表通用唯一标识符,该值对您的设备而言是唯一的。在钥匙串访问应用中,该值显示为 “本地项目”,当启用该服务时,它就是您的 iCloud 钥匙串的存储位置。iCloud 钥匙串服务允许将其中的密码和其他类型的数据与其他苹果设备(如 iPad、iPhone 或其他 Mac)同步。唯一的要求是所有这些设备都使用同一个 Apple ID 账户,并且操作系统支持 iCloud 钥匙串服务(Mac OS X 10.9 及以上版本、iOS 7.0.3 及以上版本)。

    /Library/Keychains/System.keychain – The System keychain stores items that are accessed by the OS and shared between users, for example, to allow everyone on the Mac to be able to connect to a WiFi network. Only administrators can change its content.
    /Library/Keychains/System.keychain – 系统钥匙串存储操作系统访问和用户之间共享的项目,例如,允许 Mac 上的每个人都能连接到 WiFi 网络。只有管理员才能更改其内容。

    /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain – This file is created by the system when FileVault encryption service is enabled on your Mac. The OS manages its content.
    /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain – 当 Mac 启用 FileVault 加密服务时,系统会创建该文件。操作系统管理其内容。

    /System/Library/Keychains/ – This is another location that can store loads of keychain files. Its content is managed by the system and other applications. Most of them will not appear in the Keychain Access utility however, all users benefit from it.
    /System/Library/Keychains/ – 这是另一个可以存储大量钥匙串文件的位置。其内容由系统和其他应用程序管理。其中大部分文件不会出现在钥匙串访问实用程序中,但所有用户都会从中受益。


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